Brooke! I love that you did this, and I love your ending! I am sorry I never got back to you on that yesterday. This piece, as someone who works in the creative industry is SO enlightening.... this was so helpful for me:

"But there’s a trick when sharing an idea with someone. Instead of worrying about convincing them about the merits of your idea or trying to “sell” your idea to them, simply share your idea..."

I am always trying to convince my idea because it's easier to just get things done that way. Love this all so much. Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks, Emma! Thing’s can definitely get done faster when you convince people of your ideas, but, when you have the time, it could be interesting to see what happens when leave a little space to bring in other people’s perspectives on an idea too

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"I didn’t realize it when I signed my offer letter, but I signed myself over to a dream."

Great hook (also, congrats)! Love the pre-school analogy and the call to action to share ideas that are half-baked. You're right about the potential to reshape them entirely by working through them with others (like Play-Doh).

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Thanks, Alexandra! Love the comparison to Play Doh, that’s perfect!

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That line reeled me in too!

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